Kode One Page Scroll

Demo kode dibawah ini bisa anda lihat pada halaman Demo Onepage Scroll. Kode HTML Kode Javascript Kode CSS Sumber: https://github.com/peachananr/onepage-scroll
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Updated: 23 April 2022Array

Demo kode dibawah ini bisa anda lihat pada halaman Demo Onepage Scroll.


<script src="/wp-content/assets/js/onepagescroll.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/wp-content/assets/css/onepage-scroll.css" type="text/css">

Kode Javascript

onePageScroll(".main", {
   sectionContainer: "section",     // sectionContainer accepts any kind of selector in case you don't want to use section
   easing: "ease-out",                  // Easing options accepts the CSS3 easing animation such "ease", "linear", "ease-in", 
                                    // "ease-out", "ease-in-out", or even cubic bezier value such as "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.420, 1.310)"
   animationTime: 800,             // AnimationTime let you define how long each section takes to animate
   pagination: true,                // You can either show or hide the pagination. Toggle true for show, false for hide.
   updateURL: true,                // Toggle this true if you want the URL to be updated automatically when the user scroll to each page.
   beforeMove: function(index) {},  // This option accepts a callback function. The function will be called before the page moves.
   afterMove: function(index) {},   // This option accepts a callback function. The function will be called after the page moves.
   loop: false,                     // You can have the page loop back to the top/bottom when the user navigates at up/down on the first/last page.
   keyboard: true,                  // You can activate the keyboard controls
   responsiveFallback: false        // You can fallback to normal page scroll by defining the width of the browser in which
                                    // you want the responsive fallback to be triggered. For example, set this to 600 and whenever 
                                    // the browser's width is less than 600, the fallback will kick in.

Kode CSS

.onepage-pagination li a.active:before, .onepage-pagination li a:before {
    border: 1px solid white;
    background: #fff;

Sumber: https://github.com/peachananr/onepage-scroll

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